How To Setup IdeasMag Blogger Template
Ideasmag is a responsive blogger template suitable for personal blogs, and anyone who like responsive design, clean, and professional. This blogging template will offer every feature someone might want in a big news blog or magazine, because this template is packed with great features and admin options. IdeasMag is equipped with various of widgets which will help you to publish your blog more professionally. To make it easy for you we have published this detailed documentation, so that you can setup your blog correctly. You have made a good decision by choosing our template.
You can check the live demo or download the template through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.
Video Documentation
You can check this below video to understand the setup process much more easily, just click the below image to watch the video directly on YouTube, or click this link - How To Setup IdeasMag Blogger Template
Top Navigation
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Top Navigation widgettop nav layout
Add the desired link and click Save
Social Top
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Social Top widgettop social layout
On "New Site Name" field add your social name.
facebook,twitter,gplus,rss,youtube,skype,stumbleupon,tumblr,vine,stack-overflow,linkedin,dribbble,soundcloud,behance,digg,instagram,pinterest,delicious,codepenAnd on "New Site URL" field add your social url adress.
After adding the icons click Save
Main Menu/Dropdown/Multi Dropdown
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Main Menu widgetAdd the desired link and click Save
Simple Links Example:
Link NameLink Sub Menu Example:
_SubmenuLink Multi Menu Example:
Homepage Setup
Featured Area
Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget link on Feat Section > HTML/JavaScript add it.[Your Label Here]Example:
[Business]After adding click Save
All Widgets
- Recent Posts
- Random Posts
- Recent Comments
- Social Counter
Go to Layout > Social Counter Area > Click on Edit > and follow this steps below:
On "New Site Name" fild1 field add Social Name [Social Counter].
And on "New Site URL" fild2 field add your Social Url.
Exemple: Only this Socials Supported !
facebook [3.7k]
twitter [1.2k]
gplus [439]
rss [325]
youtube [2.5k]
dribbble [842]
instagram [746]
pinterest [152]
- Facebook Graph
Add New Gadget > HTML/JavaScript widget > and Coy/Paste this code below:
page/Your Page Facebook Url
- Flickr Widget
Add New Gadget > HTML/JavaScript widget > and Coy/Paste this code below and change your username code like "21692577@N02"
<div class="flickr_widget"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>
Theme Options
Post Layouts
You have 3 post layouts simply add code of post layout in post panel compose or HTML./*----Full Width Post-----*/
/*----Sidebar Left Post-----*/
/*----Sidebar Right Post-----*/
Theme Options
Boxed Style
Default Style is Boxed "yes" if you want to switch to Full Width Style simply replace "yes" to "no".IMG Scroll Animation
Default is active "yes" if you want to desactive this Image Animation simply replace "yes" to "no".Widget Recent Post No.
The number of results for widget recent post is "4", can substitute a desired number.Widget Random Post No.
The number of results for widget random post is "4", can substitute a desired number.Widget Recent Comment No.
The number of results for widget recent comment is "4", can substitute a desired number.PageNavi Results No.
The number of results for PageNavi results is "7", can substitute a desired number.Responsive Settings
To active theme to be Responsive simply go to Dashboard > Template > Mobile > and chose "No". Show desktop template on mobile devices.Comments system
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on "Comments system" widget and inside it add your comments systems you need in this way[blogger] for blogger comments
[facebook] for facebook comments
[disqus] for disqus comments
you can add one system, two or three as you like and with arrangement you want for example:
Disqus Shortname
open widget name "DISQUS SHORTNAME" inside it add your disqus shortname you can find it in your disqus accountAccess This Link
Step 01, Click in "Edit Settings".
Step 02, select your site.
Step 03 , Find "Site Identity".
Step 04, Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on "Disqus Shortname" widget paste your shortname and click Save
Drop Caps
<span class="firstcharacter">Your First Character here</span>
To create a Blockquote simply select all text you want to be a Quote and click on Quote icon from blog post text editor panel.Bullet and List
To create a Bullet simply select all text you want to be a Bullet and click on Bullet List icon from blog post text editor panel.To create a Checked List simply select all text you want to be a Checked List and click on Numbred List icon from blog post text editor panel.
Add the button you want by size and icons./*----Simple Buttons-----*/
<a href="#" class="button small">Button Small</a>
<a href="#" class="button medium">Button Medium</a>
<a href="#" class="button large">Button Large</a>
/*----Buttons Width Icons-----*/
<a href="#" class="button small demo">Demo Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button medium demo">Demo Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button large demo">Demo Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button small download">Download Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button medium download">Download Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button large download">Download Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button small buy">Buy Now Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button medium buy">Buy Now Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button large buy">Buy Now Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button small visit">Visit a Link Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button medium visit">Visit a Link Button</a>
<a href="#" class="button large visit">Visit a Link Button</a>
Alert Boxs
/*----success message----*/
<div class="alert-message success">
<i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> success message
You successfully read this important message.</div>
/*----Alert message-----*/
<div class="alert-message alert">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>
Alert message
This alert needs your attention.</div>
/*----Warning message-----*/
<div class="alert-message warning">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>
Warning message
Warning! Best check yo self.</div>
/*----Error message-----*/
<div class="alert-message error">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i>
Error message
Oh snap! Change a few things up</div>
Code Box
<pre>You Code Here</pre>
Contact Form
<div class="contact-form">
<div style="display: block;" class="contact section" id="contact"><div class="widget ContactForm" id="ContactForm10">
<div class="contact-form-widget">
<div class="form">
<form name="contact-form">
<input class="contact-form-name" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-name" name="name" placeholder="Name" size="30" value="" type="text">
<input class="contact-form-email" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-email" name="email" placeholder="Email" size="30" value="" type="text">
<textarea class="contact-form-email-message" cols="25" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-email-message" name="email-message" placeholder="Message" rows="5"></textarea>
<input class="contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-submit" value="Send" type="button">
<div style="text-align: center; width: 100%">
<p class="contact-form-error-message" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-error-message"></p>
<p class="contact-form-success-message" id="ContactForm10_contact-form-success-message"></p>
Sitemap Page
to create sitemap page crate new static page and in its content just write this [sitemap] no more.Paste [sitemap] as pictured above and click Update
Theme Colors
Access your blog Template > click Customize.Here is where you can change the main color of the model, using your favorite colors.
Installation And Custom Services
We provide plenty of templates for free but if you want something unique for your blog then let us create a unique design for your blog, Just tell us your needs and we will convert your dream design into reality. We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service. Our Installation service gives you a simple, quick and secure way of getting your template setup without hassle.
How To Setup IdeasMag Blogger Template
Reviewed by Sora Blogging Tips
October 24, 2016

Why the bPanel is not appearing in my Blog Layout? Please Help...
ReplyDeleteCan you please show me in screenshot
ReplyDeleteThe Random Posts and the Recent Posts are not showing up in the footer section of my blog. Instead it only shows 'randomposts' and 'recentposts'. As mentioned in the tutorial, I have entered randomposts and recentposts in their respective widget content but its not showing up. Here is a screenshot:
Please help me....
If you are using premium version then please use contact us page of Sora.
Please Help Me!
ReplyDeleteIf you are using premium version then please use contact us page of Sora.
Why the bPanel is not appearing in my Blog Layout? Please Help
ReplyDeleteDownload the Update.
Deletehey im using premium version, i dont want boxed style so i set 'no' but when my blog is load in browser to show boxed after full loaded is not show in box so i want when is load to no show boxed (i want change default style)
ReplyDeletePlease explain more clearly.
Deletehey i want social media links are open in new window (popup window)
ReplyDeleteit requires coding skills and needs some time to do, use our contact page.
Deletehi sora i wanna ask, How to make the feature section to be 6 post and same big like 3 post in bottom, no big ones like 4 post
ReplyDeletethank you for your answer, good template (my) bad english, sorry
sorry but the featured post only supports 3 post for design purpose.
Deletei want only show number not that older posts or newer post
ReplyDeleteIn your blog go to Themes >> Edit Html >> find the below code
Deletevar upPageWord
var downPageWord
Now replace the content inside quotes ' your code ' and ' your code ' with /
how to get update when release your template
ReplyDeleteUpdate your paypal email id or transaction Id to and by verifying they will send you the upgraded files.
Team Sora
how to hidden author name and date post on homepage?
ReplyDeleteits a part of customization, you have to contact us through email.
DeleteRecent Posts + Random posts + comments is not working
ReplyDeleteCreate a proper blog and publish atleast 10 posts.
DeleteFeatured + Recent Posts + Random posts + is not working
ReplyDeletehello sora,
ReplyDeleteim using ideamag premium version Which was bought by Rohit mewada so i want know how to get ideamag template updates
Update notification will be sent to buyers email id.
Deletehow to change fonts
ReplyDeleteA tutorial is comming soon.
Deletehow i can download the update of this theme?
ReplyDeleteYou will recieve an email.
DeleteDear SoraTemplates, on my Hindi WebCliq site Blogger comment box not showing or not appearing, I'm Using your Ideas mag free version, i'm already using [disqus][facebook][blogger] format, Please help me...!
ReplyDeleteplease check your setting or follow the basic setting.
DeleteHello Mr Manoj.
ReplyDeleteI am Using Ideas Mag Premium Version...plz let me know why add gadget is not showing to me in header to place the 728 x 90 Ads and other one 468x60 ads to me...plz give me a video or tell me solution.....
Thanks & Regards
It only supports one widget at a time.
DeleteHello Mr. Manoj...
ReplyDeleteI Purchased Premium ideas Mag Template..since 1 one month i am trying but Recents Posts and recent comments post now visible to my website...
Kindly tell me the solution of this...
I love this template . Will I get an Ad-Sense approval from this template?
ReplyDeleteYes definitely, you will.
Deletesir how to show pages on the main menu like contact us, and about us pages etc please tell me sir I need to update it soon. I hope you wil let me know it soon.
ReplyDeleteWe have already explained how to setup menu.
DeleteSir In My Website HOme Ads Showing But In Post Not SHowing 728x90 ad not showing why plzz tell meee
ReplyDeleteThose ad slots are only for custom ads.
DeleteNot showing 7 post on home page why?
ReplyDeleteRemember one thing you have to keep the post count same in your blog settings and pagination widget.
DeleteThere is a limit of 1mb from blogger side, only 1mb of images or text you can show in home page and you are exceeding that limit and that is the reason rest of the post is going on next page, there is not any solution, but you can try page break after 1st paragraph in every post, may be this will help.
I bought the Ideas Mag Premium Version template, I have never received an update.
ReplyDeleteCheck the email address, which you have used to buy the theme.
Deletehow to post an article under a menu example seo services
ReplyDeleteAdd labels into your post and then link them with the menu.
DeletePlease explain how
DeleteWhen you create a post you will see an option to add categories in your blog posts.
Deleteplease tell me how to active business area.
ReplyDeleteWe have already mentioned it above.
Deletesir, instagram icon isn't shown in social top.
ReplyDeleteas well linked icon is not shown in social counter of right sidebar.
even after creating their links.But an empty option of linkedin is shown .
Social icons are case sensitive, so add them exactly similar.
ReplyDeleteRemember one thing you have to keep the post count same in your blog settings and pagination widget.
DeleteThere is a limit of 1mb from blogger side, only 1mb of images or text you can show in home page and you are exceeding that limit and that is the reason rest of the post is going on next page, there is not any solution, but you can try page break after 1st paragraph in every post, may be this will help.
how do i add post to each link page i have created
ReplyDeletePlease explain your issue more briefly.
DeleteSir, I have a Ideas Mag Premium Version template. I have already installed it.I edit "right side bar B" Facebook. But it not shown business facebook page even i past link. Please tell how can i it.
ReplyDeleteIf you replace the id correctly then it will work absolutely fine.
DeleteI have made payment for this template using my credit card but I didnt received any download link
ReplyDeleteContact Us here.
hello. help me.
ReplyDeleteIn my layout there are no table theme options.
How to show it up.
thanks you
my website
Please be specific about your issue.
Deletehow to add telegram join link in social top i added but not showing telegrm icon
ReplyDeleteIt only supports mentioned icons.
Deletenot showing any post in random posts, most recent widget in my website so please help
ReplyDeletemy website -
I am not able to create a multi menu from the sub menu. It is being displayed as "__submenu". Please help
ReplyDeleteActivate every single widget we have mentioned in documentation.
DeleteHello, plzz plzz help me with the business section, yaa i have seen your video tutorials but in 2019, Nov the code u said [Business][feat1], it doesn't work and only this [Business] also doesn't work, plzzz help me plzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeleteOn the cell phone the images do not load, everything is blank. They only load if you refresh the page.
ReplyDeleteShare your blog url.
DeleteIn Mobile Phone Menu is not Show.
ReplyDeletePlease share your blog url.
DeleteMenu is showing in mobile device.
DeleteNot a single post shown in homepage
ReplyDeletepls help!
Please share your blog url.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletehello please help me
ReplyDeleteSitemap page worked for some time but after 2 days it is not working only showing labels name without design link is
If you add atleast one label to every posts
DeleteIf your blog is public,
If your feed is full,
If you have activated every widget
If you have used correct shortcodes.
Then it will definitely work.
How to edit contact us and about page? If I click on it, it takes me to ideasmag page, whereas I've already changed the logo. I want to add my own contact us and about page. Please guide