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How To Setup Blogari Blogger Template

Blogari Blogger Template

Blogari is a very simplistic yet professional high quality theme for Blogger. It offers a highly optimized design for faster browsing, better search engine rankings, and super easy customization. Blogari is equipped with various of widgets which will help you to publish your blog more professionally. To make it easy for you we have published this detailed documentation, so that you can setup your blog correctly. You have made a good decision by choosing our template. You can check the live demo or download the template through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

Video Documentation

You can check this below video to understand the setup process much more easily, just click the below image to watch the video directly on YouTube, or click this link - How To Setup Jasmine Blogger Template - Way2Themes

Social Top / Social Footer

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Breaking News widget.

To activate this widget, you need only enter the desired number of posts

Example: [number]  - ex: [5]

Image Example:

Social Top

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Social Header widget.

Icons Avaliables { Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, Instagram }

Image Example: 

Main Menu/ DropDown/ Multi DropDown

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Main Menu widget.
Normal Link : Features
Sub Link: _Sub Link 1.0 (before the link add "_") 1 underscore
Sub Link 2: __Sub Link 1.1 (before the link add "__") 2 underscore


Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Slider Section, you must place the following names highlighted in blue below.

This Code: [your label here][number of results]

Example: [Tips][5]

Image Example:

Featured Post

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Feat Section, you must place the following names highlighted in blue below.

01 - With title and description!

This Code: [ your label / tag ][Your Description]


Image Example:

02 - No title and description!

This Code: [ your label / tag ]

Example: [Fashion]

Image Example:

Post Style - Full Width / Sidebar Left

To use this option you must enter the elements highlighted in blue below, in the post, or a static page.

Full Width: [ full_width ]

Left Sidebar: [ left_sidebar ]

Note: must not have spaces.

Image Example:

Author Box

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Author Box section, you must add all the code below.


<!-- Author Profile -->

Image Link [your image profile URL Here]

Author Name [Your Name Here]

Author Description [Your description Here]

<!-- Social Icons no Delete -->

Twitter Username [You username Here]

Facebook Username [You username Here]

GPlus Username [You username Here]

Pinterest Username [You username Here]

Instagram Username [You username Here]

<!-- Author Profile (end) -->


<!-- Author Profile () -->

Image Link []

Author Name [soratemplates]

Author Description [Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard]

<!-- Social Icons no Delete -->

Twitter Username [soratemplates]

Facebook Username [soratemplates]

GPlus Username [soratemplates]

Pinterest Username [soratemplates]

Instagram Username [soratemplates]

<!-- Author Profile (end) -->

Image Example:

NOTE: You should not remove any element of the code, just replace as above!

NOTE 02: In <!-- Social Icons no Delete --> If you want to hide any social network, you should replace the username by [none].


<!-- Social Icons no Delete -->

Twitter Username [soratemplates]

Facebook Username [soratemplates]

GPlus Username [soratemplates]

Pinterest Username [soratemplates]

Instagram Username [soratemplates]

Facebook Page Plugin:

<center><div class="fb-padding"><div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="280" data-height="230" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-show-posts="false"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"></div></div></div></center>
or you can follow this tutorial if above method won't work


Image Example:

Blogari Options Panel

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link to the Desired Option.
  1. Animation - Scroll IMG - (yes / no)
  2. Fixed Menu - (yes / no)
Image Example:
  1. PageNavi Results No - (Number)
Image Example: 

Theme Customization

Access your blog Template > click Customize.

Here we add an advanced option so that you can change the main color of your Template.

Click to view in Full Size

FINAL NOTE: When We asked to click on Edit is for when we already have a Gadget Set, Not When you click on Add Gadget > HTML / JavaScript

Installation And Custom Services

We provide plenty of templates for free but if you want something unique for your blog then let us create a unique design for your blog, Just tell us your needs and we will convert your dream design into reality. We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service. Our Installation service gives you a simple, quick and secure way of getting your template setup without hassle.

How To Setup Blogari Blogger Template How To Setup Blogari Blogger Template Reviewed by TemplatesYard on July 06, 2017 Rating: 5


  1. Hi.., thank for nice template. Why sticky navbar not working in mobile? could you tell me please, how make it work?

    1. sorry we follow standard case of responsiveness, so it will only work in desktop.


Note : -We have stopped giving support to free version users, please read this article Making Blogger Professional, Important Updates !!. If You Are Facing Any Problem While Setting Up The Free Theme, Then We Recommend You To Read Our FAQ(Frequently Asked Question) Page.