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How To Setup Newsplus Blogger Template [TemplatesYard]

Newsplus is a premium looking blogger theme. It features a magazine layout, which helps you to achieve complicated designs on blogspot platform. Cyber is equipped with various of widgets which will help you to publish your blog more professionally. To make it easy for you we have published this detailed documentation, so that you can setup your blog correctly. You have made a good decision by choosing our template.
You can check the live demo or download the template through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

Video Documentation

You can check this below video to understand the setup process much more easily, just click the below image to watch the video directly on YouTube, or click this link - How To Setup NewsPlus Blogger Template - TemplatesYard

Top Navigation / Footer Menu

Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Top Navigation widget.

Social Top

Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Social Top widget.

Icons Avaliables { facebook, twitter, gplus, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, twitch, delicious, codepen, reddit, whatsapp, snapchat, email }

Mobile Logo

Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Mobile Logo widget.

Types: imagecustomdefault.

Main Menu/DropDown/Multi DropDown/Mega Menu

Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Main Menu widget.

Normal Link : Features
Sub Link: _Multi DropDown (before the link add "_") 1 underscore
Sub Link 2: __DropDown 1 (before the link add "__") 2 underscore
Mega Shortcode by Label: Technology/mega-menu
Mega Shortcode by Recent: recent/mega-menu
Mega Shortcode by Random: random/mega-menu

Hot Posts

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Hot Posts section, you must place the following names highlighted in blue below.

Shortcode: Labelrecent or random/hot-posts

Example: Technology/hot-posts

Featured Posts 01 and 02

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Featured Posts 01 or Featured Posts 02 section, you must place the following names highlighted in blue below.

Types: feat-big, col-left, col-right, feat-list, grid-big, grid-small

Shortcode: Results number/Labelrecent or random/type

Feat Big Ex: Business/feat-big  NOTE: in this do not set the number (default is 5).

Col Left Ex: 3/Sports/col-left

Col Right Ex: 3/Technology/col-right

Feat List Ex: 3/Food/feat-list

Grid Big Ex: 2/Music/grid-big

Grid Small Ex: 3/Fashion/grid-small

Widget Settings Ex:

Post List Widget

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Sidebar or Footer section, you must place the following names highlighted in blue below.

Shortcode: Results number/Labelrecent or random/post-list

Label Posts: 3/Technology/post-list
Recent Posts: 3/recent/post-list
Random Posts: 3/random/post-list

Social Widget

Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Social Widget widget.

Icons Avaliables { facebook, twitter, gplus, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, twitch, delicious, codepen, reddit, whatsapp, snapchat, email }

Post Layouts

Left Sidebar: Inside the post add the text left-sidebar and add the style Strikethrough
Full Width: Inside the post add the text full-width and add the style Strikethrough
Right Sidebar: Inside the post add the text right-sidebar and add the style Strikethrough

Theme Options

01 - Css Options

 Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Css Options widget.

Full Width: In New Site Name add boxedVersion, in New Site URL add true or false, after click on save button.

Recent Posts Headline: In New Site Name add recentPostsHeadline, in New Site URL add true or false, after click on save button.

02 - Default Variables

 Access your blog Layout > click Edit icon on Default Variables widget.

Post Per Page: In New Site Name add postPerPage, in New Site URL add the number of results, it should be the same as the posts from the home page, after click on save button.

Fixed Sidebar: In New Site Name add fixedSidebar, in New Site URL  add true or false, after click on save button.

Comments System: In New Site Name add commentsSystem, in New Site URL add the comments sytem type {bloggerdisqusfacebook or hide}, after click on save button.

Disqus Shortname: In New Site Name add disqusShortname, in New Site URL add your disqus comment system shortname, after click on save button.

Facebook Page Plugin 

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Sidebar or Footer section, and paste the code below.

<center><div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="360" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div></center>

Note: In Attribute data-href replace the link per your facebook page url.

Customizing Your Template

Access your blog Theme > click Customize button.

Here you can change the background, and apply pre-defined colors

Clicking Advanced You will see the official option to change the Main Colors

Installation And Custom Services

We provide plenty of templates for free but if you want something unique for your blog then let us create a unique design for your blog, Just tell us your needs and we will convert your dream design into reality. We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service. Our Installation service gives you a simple, quick and secure way of getting your template setup without hassle.

Only Premium Buyers will get the widget codes available in the demo.
If you are a premium version user and you are having any problem while setting up the template please contact us by going to this link (Contact Form).
How To Setup Newsplus Blogger Template [TemplatesYard] How To Setup Newsplus Blogger Template [TemplatesYard] Reviewed by TemplatesYard on August 05, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. Xml error showing in both News plus & Cyber template. Whenever i try to upload this template. Please fix

  2. Whenever i try to upload this template it says "error parsing xml" please fix this

  3. Hello sir please help me , i installed it on my site ,but in all post my images shows as stretched . Not showing as normal photo as it shows in demo. Please help

    1. Choose original size in settings while uploading images or simply click the image in post setting and choose original size option.

  4. Hi, this template is really awesome, i love it.
    can I ask you for a question.?
    what am I supposed to do when i want to change the text of "Created with by TemplateYard, Distributed by^MybloggerThemes"?
    Please help me.

  5. Hi i was download its free version but blogger show errors it the template

    When if i buy premium version of it
    It make problem in instillation ?

    1. download theme and extract it.
      Open the xml file in notepad.
      Copy and past it in edit html box and save the template.

  6. I got error here ..
    It shows .XML error .. all files not closed with .XML

    1. download theme and extract it.
      Open the xml file in notepad.
      Copy and past it in edit html box and save the template.

  7. Hi ny author profile is not show and also previous and next artile link is missing. What to do?

    1. You have to add author details in blogger and gplus both.

  8. can you please tell me how can i remove my footer credit my website

    1. To remove the credits you need to buy the license.

  9. Hi, I m really happy with your support, I will be very thankful if you can answer my queries? I m not sure is this a BUG in your theme or its my mistake?

    (1) How to add total 3 Hot Posts as shown in your theme if there is No option to add new Gadjet in Hot Posts Section. I added one Hot Posts and after that I m not able to add 2 more Hot Posts same as shown in your theme.

    (2) How to add multiple Posts in Mega Menu, I used the format Label: Technology/mega-menu and successfully added one Image post in Mega menu but HOW CAN I ADD MORE Posts with image under Mega menu? I m not able to add total 3 image posts under Mega Menu. (I changed mega menu to trending news in my theme)

    My Website Link :

    1. 1. Only one widget is supported.
      2. Does your label contain more than 1 post?

    2. You have to select a label having more than one posts, to show more than one hot posts.

  10. How to add breaking News Headlines tag??

  11. Please update ASAP, google plus is gone...add more sharing options. like whats app,Instagram, linkedinn etc

    1. From layout area you can delete that icon

  12. This is the best template so far. But i'm facing an issue, the 'recentPostsHeadline' is not working. Please help me. I want it on my blog

  13. sponsor ad not showing in layout section. How to fix this?

    1. Please check whether your adblock is hiding it.

  14. Hi,
    I use this awesome template for my blog.
    Thank you, it works great!

    However, just a couple days ago I think I have problems with facebook since suddenly they removed all links to my blog that I shared to a page and a group in facebook. Shortly after this surprising event, I got a very brief notification from facebook saying; "Your posts against facebook regulations!"

    I tried to figure out what could possibly wrong with the blog but found nothing except one strange thing; facebook comment form within the three options of the comments system suddenly disappeared (it works well before then). Could it be possible that for some reasons facebook security system had it disabled?

    Will you advice me what to do and how should I resolve this issue, please?

    My blog URL is

    Look forward to your suggestion soon.
    In the meantime, once again, thank you for your support and attention.

    Best regards

    1. Facebook did an analysis on your blog and maybe concluded that you had plagiarism or you started sharing links a lot on Facebook and this is considered spam

  15. Brother, how can I remove footer credit. my site :

    1. Its a simple process, follow below steps.

      1. Visit This site.
      2. Make a payment and enter valid email id.
      3. Now check your email for the template file.
      4. Now download that file and install the template, if you don't know how to install template then follow this tutorial.

      Thanks, Now you have successfully removed the footer credits.

  16. hi
    why is this template only shows 8 posts, even though i already posted more than 8 articles?
    I already choose view all but it only show 2 pages, and 4 posts each page, and the remaining articles i posted are missing

    1. Remember one thing you have to keep the post count same in your blog settings and pagination widget.

      There is a limit of 1mb from blogger side, only 1mb of images or text you can show in home page and you are exceeding that limit and that is the reason rest of the post is going on next page, there is not any solution, but you can try page break after 1st paragraph in every post, may be this will help.

  17. Hi,

    I bought this lovely template and I like to use it but I have a question.

    I don't want to show post meta at any part of my website. How can I delete that?

    Thank you




    1. Sorry we can't provide support on additional customization(Adding or Removing stuffs) rather than solving issues or bugs, if you want to customize your template then buy our blog customization service.

  18. hey below post author details isn't sowing pls help

    1. Follow This.

  19. Hi Admin, I have purchased the template online and i am trying to customize it for my blog. when i try to a section like Dandeli/feat-big where Dandeli is my label having multiple posts, the section itself not displaying anything in the view.

    in the console i am seeing this below error

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$t' of undefined
    at post_image (VM16:1344)
    at Object.success (VM16:1354)
    at i (jquery.min.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
    at y (jquery.min.js:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.min.js:

    appreciate your support on this

  20. I have requested a query that is blocking my site development, could you please help me on how to set it up/

  21. can you please advice for "post-title" alignment, I want to align post text from left to right

  22. Hi Admin,

    Thank you for created this template. I have some query. the image is not showing on home for hot post , featured post.

    My website is (

  23. thumbnil image is not showing in some post in recent post type in footer

    1. Choose original size in settings while uploading images or simply click the image in post setting and choose original size option.

  24. There are the links given at the top for about and contact page but it opens newsplus website when I click that
    How to add contact and about page

    1. Follow This Tutorial

  25. How to remove date from related post?

    1. Please add this css in Edit Html

      .related-ready .post-date {

    2. Thanks a lot for your kind response.

    3. How do I show random post on 'related post' area? My another problem is: my blog is loading very slowly! Pleas, give me the solution.

    4. In post page you can not show random widget.

  26. Hey Author Profile is not showing is above comments

  27. Bro my comment Section is not visible not is is allowed in all post

  28. I has editing the 'Hot Posts' and 'Featured Hot Posts'. But nothing to show.
    Does this only apply to the paid version?

    1. Please share your blog url.

    2. thanks for your response. After a while, it suddenly became normal. Or it might take a while, I don't know.

      There is a problem with the thumbnail image, but after reading this page, it turns out that it has to be the original size.

      Thank you, very good template. There are no obstacles at all.


Note : -We have stopped giving support to free version users, please read this article Making Blogger Professional, Important Updates !!. If You Are Facing Any Problem While Setting Up The Free Theme, Then We Recommend You To Read Our FAQ(Frequently Asked Question) Page.